The dark web is a hotbed of criminal activity. It is where sensitive business and personal information, guns, illicit drugs and even people and body parts are sold. Your ID number, credit card number and login credentials are also inventory for hackers to sell.
You do not want your information landing up there!
Dealing in stolen information is big business for cyber criminals for very little effort. There are billions of stolen username and password credentials for sale on the dark web. Hackers steal information hacking into company networks and accounts, using spyware and other malware, and through phishing scams. Can you spot a phishing scam?
Data breaches of public websites are happening all the time. And it doesn’t only happen to large enterprises that are in the news. It happens to small businesses and individuals too. Do you use Dropbox? Well, 68-million Dropbox user accounts were compromised in 2016.
Companies lose money, suffer reputational damage and could face stiff penalties if the breach of information is in violation of regulations around protecting personal and sensitive information.
Individuals and small businesses are the worst hit because they don’t have adequate cyber security in place. Poor cyber security awareness is also a major factor. Are you or your employees at risk?
Most of the time, people don’t know that their information has been stolen until they receive an alert from their bank about suspicious transactions.
A monitoring tool can help you keep track of your personal information. The uBreach functionality within our uSecure platform can quickly identify exposed email accounts and identities that have been publicly disclosed online via third-party data breaches.
Here are some quick tips for staying off the dark web:
Get educated about cyber crime and phishing, and know the risks of engaging and transacting online.
Install robust security on all of your computers and devices. Keep these solutions updated! Not sure what you need? Talk to us!
Do a virus scan on your computer and any other mobile device that you use to shop, bank, share or transact with online. This is important because if you have malware on any of your devices, it will continue to monitor your activity and log your keystrokes. So, if you change your usernames or passwords, these will be logged too.
Have strong passwords and NEVER share them with anyone.
Get two-factor authentication on your most important accounts.
Regularly check all your bank accounts for strange activity and missing money. If you notice anything, contact your bank.
Get uSecure, a user focused, cloud-based security awareness training platform to drive secure user behavior to reduce risk. uSecure is offered on a subscription basis for as low as R21.00 per user per month so it is affordable to everyone.
